On Wednesday February 16, 2022, Alphabet Inc. said it would introduce the Privacy Sandbox on Android but plans to support existing ads platform features for at least two years, in line with our expectations. Alphabet intends to limit sharing of user data with third parties and operate without cross-app identifiers, including advertising ID, and plans to provide substantial notice ahead of any future changes. These are the kind of changes we have anticipated in developing our roadmap, which we continue to execute as planned. Like Apple’s ATT and iOS 15, this announcement means marketers will need to continue to think differently about how and with whom they work with to reach their audiences in a privacy-safe manner.
Thanks to our investments in our first-party media network, our support of durable identifiers owned by both marketers and media owners and our development of multiple audience marketing approaches using them - including addressable, contextual, and cohort-based targeting - we are confident that Criteo is best positioned to navigate the needs of consumers, marketers, and media owners in privacy-minded ways through these industry changes.
As of February 2022, our exposure to Android Mobile ID is approximately 15% of Contribution ex-TAC. As a result, based on the information we have today, there is no change to our financial outlook.